Fans of Shooto have 30 years of history to celebrate coming up on January 27th, 2019. As you know Female fighters are a huge draw in any MMA promotion. Shooto is no exception. Shooto has been putting on Female MMA bouts since 2004 and in 2019 they are not slowing down.
G-Shooto has been carrying out an all female tournament at the
All Japan Amateur Shooto Championships every year. Female fighters from around the country come to compete. After that the matches for G-Shooto are decided.
This time around Megumi Sugimoto out of AACC VS Megumi Kigoshi out of SHOOTOGYM K’zFACTORY is on the card.
Megumi Sugiyoshi fought in the early days of Deep Jewels and has been enjoying the married life since giving birth to her child. She has had the undying support from her husband, Abe Hiroyuki. Her last fight was in 2015 against Nasumi Mukai in Deep Jewels 9.
Megumi Kigoshi who goes by the nickname “Mad Dog” is very active in amateur Jiu-jitsu and amateurs Shooto events. She is excited about coming to the historic arena, Korakuen Hall. She feels like the history at this arena will provide her with the will and strenght to win this fight.
Card for the Event (In Japanese)
[既に発表済みの対戦カード]◎環太平洋バンタム級チャンピオンシップ5分3R祖根 寿麻(王者・初防衛戦/ZOOMER)vs岡田 遼(挑戦者・同級5位/パラエストラ千葉)
◎フライ級5分3R前田 吉朗(同級世界2位/パンクラス大阪稲垣組)vs清水 清隆(同級世界4位/TRIBE TOKYO M.M.A.)
[新たに決定した対戦カード]◎トライアウトルール 女子50kg契約3分2R杉本 恵(AACC)vs木越めぐみ(SHOOTO GYM K’zFACTORY)
杉本 恵 MEGUMI SUGIMOTOすぎもと・めぐみ[所属]AACC[出身]山形県[身長]160cm[生年月日]1990年6月23日(27歳)[格闘技歴]レスリング12年[アマチュア戦]1W1Lレスリング全日本選手権3位・インカレ準優勝
木越めぐみ MEGUMI KIGOSHIきごし・めぐみ[所属]SHOOTOGYM K’zFACTORY[出身]東京都[身長]148cm[生年月日]1994年3月23日(24歳)[格闘技歴]柔術[アマチュア戦]5L
◎フェザー級5分3R斎藤 裕(同級世界王者/日本/パラエストラ小岩)vsマーカス・ヘルド(同級ドイツ王者/ドイツ/GEERMAN TOP TEAM)
◎ライト級5分3R川名 雄生(同級環太平洋王者/Y&K MMA ACADEMY)vs岡野 裕城(同級世界9位/マッハ道場)
◎バンタム級5分3R魚井フルスイング(同級世界5位/和術慧舟會HEARTS)vs藤井 伸樹(ALLIANCE)
◎フェザー級5分3R仲山 貴志(同級世界7位/総合格闘技津田沼道場)vs青井 人(同級世界8位/BLOWS)
◎バンタム級5分3R金物屋の秀(SHOOTO GYM K’zFACTORY)vs齋藤 翼(総合格闘技津田沼道場・FIGHT FARM)
◎ストロー級5分2R牧ヶ谷 篤(和術慧舟會群馬支部)vs田上 こゆる(BLOWS)※2018年全日本アマ修斗選手権ストロー級優勝
About the Author
Jeremy Deschner
Black Belt in American Karate from the Texas Karate Institute. Now training in Brazilian Jiujitsu in Japan.
Twitter: @mmajpn1 @jiujitsu_Jedi