If you have been living under a rock you probably do not know the depth of the Crazy Horse / Wanderlei Silva back stage and in the cage drama that has been happening for the last 12 years. It all started back in Pride in 2005 where Wanderlei and Crazy Horse started off with a little verbal exchange. It ended badly for Crazy Horse that day as the throw down happened with Cristiano Marcello and ended in a nasty Triangle choke K.O. back stage. That was all caught and immortalized on YouTube. Check out the link.
This was a bad chocke out for Crazy Horse, but we have an inside scoop that after the cameras were turned off that Crazy Horse got back up and K.O.’d Silva backstage. That part is not on video but the MMA community in Japan is small and we know people that saw it and they wouldn’t lie. This fact also plays part in future conflicts between the two. Look at it this way, if it did not happen, why would Silva be so pissed off and dead set on revenge? Right?
Years later Crazy Horse explains his side in this video:
Next these two clashed again when Crazy Horse joined the 2nd RIZIN event. Not forgetting what had happened years ago, Crazy Horse pushed Silva and called him out while laying down in the ring. Crazy Horse gave Wanderlei a new nickname, Candy-lay. Check out the video.
After this event the party continued back stage. These guys don’t care who is watching or filming, these guys go for it. We need to see this happen in the ring once and for all. RIZIN needs to make this fight happen for the good of the sport and for all fans.
That was not the end of the problem. The two did not stop there. This altercation continued in the hotel in Tokyo. Wanderlei confronted Crazy Horse once again while he was waiting for his elevator. This was not a joke, my friends. Check out the scared elevator lady in the video. Once again neither man backed down. This is building up to a war between the two. They still have not faced each other in the ring at RIZIN. Hey RIZIN, give us the fight we want to see. It’s been 12 years! Let’s do this!
Of course if this fight goes down, MMA Japan will be there for you covering it. Follow @mmajpn1 on twitter!